Thursday, July 21, 2011

For the Record it’s the day before the show…

It’s tomorrow night! And Kyra, my saving grace, got a me a model in the nick of time! Thank you Kyra! I’m a ;little anxious for tomorrow. there’s a rehearsal at the school at 9:30 am till 12:00, then we come back to my place, eat, make up, hair, back at the school, dress, show time! I’m really enjoying all of the work. I’m really looking forward to putting it out there. Also I’m looking forward to my next fashion project. After the show, I think I’m done with trashion, but if I make  “real clothes” then it’s something I’d consider selling, maybe I ought to approach YDE (young designers emporium) and see if I can sell a few designs there…? I will keep you posted. Fashion show photos to be posted as soon as….

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