Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fashion Show, Post 2

Well, with the fashion show less then a week away I am entering hard-core work mode…

List of things I still need to do:

  • Need to find a model! I only have 3 and I need 4!
  • There’s a rehearsal on Friday that I need to attend
  • There’s a fitting today
  • Final touches to the outfits
  • Need to sort out accessories!

so, I’ve done the music, I chose Demi Lovato’s La La Land. I know Demi is cheesy and all but I first hear the song at a school music thing and I loved it. If you wanna hear it, click here. I think the song is really contradictory to the stereo type of models as is my fashion show range. I mean the stereo type of fashion is NOT trash…. Trashion. So I think I chose well, I hope….

The dresses seem to fit my models (the ones that i have) well. However I still need a model and I’d settle for a clone of anyone right now. My models are really great! I owe them all a big slab of chocolate…. Except one doesn’t particularly like chocolate. Not important.

Photos to follow in terms of the show and i’ll post my port folio next week.

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