Monday, February 28, 2011

Tavi Gevinson

Hello World! This is Tavi...

Tavi who is amazing. She's a teenager, of the age 14 years young.

But what makes her different from me? both teenage bloggers, both into fashion...

Well what makes Tavi different is that she's kinda famous.

Tavo gets her clothing from thrift shops, antique shops and markets. In August 2009 Tavi made the cover of the british magazine POP.... These things make Tavi different. Tavi is a normal girl in some ways, like homework, family dinner, annoying class mates etc. But she has been able to be a some one, with over 1000 folowers on her Blogspot blog she can also be found on Twitter and various other social media sites, not facebook however. is her blog page, feel free to follow her amazing work!

Tavi recently interviewed Gwen Stefanie for TeenVouge magazine, jealous much?

Anyway she is obviously different and I would love to be known the way she is, be flown out to Antwarp as a guest to a massive fashion show!

So go on tavi, make us proud!

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