Friday, August 12, 2011

My Portfolio

I promised you that I would post my portfolio. I really am happy with it and look forward to my next fashion challenge. During the show, I realised that doing that, having the fashion show, is really what I want to do with my life. I realised that I really do want to spend hours in preparation, designing, making, putting together, model hunting, all of it. I really want to spend my life doing that. I won’t keep up with the trends, I’m going to Make the trends. I don’t care for the fame, it’s all about the passion and I realised that last night. I don’t want to go through high school and waste my time on history and geography, I wanna cut to the chase and study design, Making my portfolio and designing the dresses, made me realise that, made me see that high school isn’t helping me grow in fashion design, isn’t teaching me to think out of the box in terms of designs and creativity, the teach you to conform. No successful fashion designer was successful by copying the guy next door. Successful designers are ORIGINAL, UNIQUE and DIFFERENT! Is it possible to drop out of school, or to put it lightly, Resign from school, and skip straight to college? Coz that seems more fun and productive. Any way, here’s my port-folio.


This one was the first outfit, the 96 Dress. I put some of the materials on the page, like the tag, from the earrings, the can tops for the bracelet and the cans themselves as part of the bodice. Also the background was crisp packets that I used for the skirt of the dress.


This was the second outfit in the series. Sun Kissed. Again, the background has the materials that I used. Gold wrapping paper, gold sweet wrappers, gold tin foil, Gold Galore! 


This dress is called Comic Candy, the name was derived from the materials – Comic strips and Candy wrappers. At the bottom of the page I put the pictures that inspired the outfit, Selena Gomez playing Alex Russo in Wizards Of Waverly Place, in a comic dress. A picture of a girl in a dress made of candy wrappers and crisp packets and another image of a girl in trashion. The background was covered in candy wrappers and so forth.

This dress was the last one on the cat-walk and the portfolio page was quite simple. The back was covered in slips/receipts and I had drawn the design and stuck it on and at the top of the page is the visual advert I had seen in a magazine that inspired the dress, Va Nola

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