Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Hero A Fake

I was on holiday in the Kruger National Park, sorry. I wore some really nice stuff while I was there and I added it to the pile of photos I have to sort out and blog about.
This post is really a confused post. Because I’m about to launch into how upset I am about my Afrikaans teacher having left my school on Friday, the last day of term. And how upsetting it is, how I cried on Friday about it….
Next thing I’m going to ramble on about is the music soiree at school early September. I’m going to play some hard piece by a guy who’s name I do not know off hand.
Another point I’m going to ramble off about is moving schools… I honestly don’t wanna go. I’m “happy” At St. Peter’s.  But Because I have to go I guess I’d like to go to Hyde Park. OR I’d like to go with my Afrikaans teacher but he went to Oprah’s Academy and I can’t get into that school.


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