Saturday, July 30, 2011

I was gonna title this post “Scarves” But the post is more then that.

I have absolutely NOTHING to say. I can only muster up a few fake words to put in with the scarves. So here are the pictures, followed by a video clip of Selena Gomez’s New music video for I love you like a love song and Who says.


Well I had a tough time picking ONE Selena Music Video and now you have two.

I Love you like  Love Song

Who Says

having just watched the videos myself I feel the need to launch into a discussion about how beautiful she is and how natural it looks on her. Selena is a dream. I dream of Designing for her. She can sing and act and is simple wonderful. She’s never in the tabloids like Brittany Spears and is so simple. The video was really great. It was fun to watch especially ‘coz of Selena.

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