Sunday, April 10, 2011

A secret Affair

Once apon a time, a girl fell in love, her name was Juliet. She fell in love with a man named Romeo. Their love was forbidden, so every other night they snuck out to see each other. They then married in secret. This worked wonderfully until Juliet's father arranged a marriage for her and she took a potion that made her appear dead for forty-two hours, Romeo was to be informed of this sneaky plan but he heard of her death, not her plan. Out of despair he drank a potion to take his like. When Juliet is revived she is distraught to find her lover dead beside her and proceeds to stab herself with a dagger….

Now picture this as a modern day story with miss Juliet as a very fashionable and beautiful girl who will not let anything get in the way of her secret affair….        

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New day Juliet was prepared for the troubles she would face meeting with Romeo in secret. So she disguised her weaponry as a hat. This hat was designed to kill but it was also incredibly sophisticated.


This hat is a favourite of mine. Made with 4inch long nails, red tissue paper all on an Alice band.


Photographer & background designer: Zoƫ

Model: Me

Designer: Me


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