So now that the fashion show is over I need a new project… So I decided to do a decade theme. I picked four of my favourite time periods and and going to design four outfits for each period, giving me a range of 12 outfits and then for next fashion show I select a few (approximately four, depending on the show) to show case. So for the show, I’ll have one outfit from each decade.
The decades I’ve chosen are:
I chose the 1800’s because of the elegance and extravagance of that period. I love the attention to detail and the art behind the fashion. Clothing was an art, it wasn’t just what you wore, it indicated social standing and wealth.
The 1800’s isn’t a decade, but I broadened the period because there wasn’t any obvious change from decade to decade.
I chose the 1920’s because of the Flappers. I loved the style and obviously, I loved the hats. the 1920’s was when woman started drinking and smoking in public, trying to prove equality between men and women.
The 1950’s is a personal favourite of mind because of the colours of the interior design and the geometric shapes. I also loved the movie Grease and the clothing they wore then. There are always 2 elements, if not more, to a decade of fashion. There was the 1950’s classic stuff, like Nancy Drew, and then there’s the Grease side of it, there’s the proper dress and the rebellion of it. I’m leaning toward a Sandy Becoming A Pink Lady kind of theme. To incorporate both the innocence and the rebellion.
Now the 1960’s also have 2-way fashion trend. There was the formal, business-type wear and there were the Hippies. The hippies were the rebellion of the 1960’s, rebelling against the Vietnam War. I don’t intend to design thread bare shirts, I just intend to bring in the elements that we associate with hippies, for example, tie-dye, bright colours, longs hair, the hair bands, flowers, loos-fitting clothes.
Notice all the lace and attention to detail
I love the hat in this one
The fur coats were big in the 1920’s
The pearl Necklace
The puffy skirt of the dresses
The rive through’s and motels!
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