Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I’m a rebel who’s not afraid to “Hyde”

Because I know who cares enough to read my blog and who doesn’t I’m happy and comfortable posting about the interview I had with the headmaster of Hyde Park High (HPH). I wanted to cuss and swear throughout the interview and throw a tantrum on the way there as well as not get out of the car, in fact not even get into the car, but if I didn’t make it into Hyde Park, I’d have to home school and I’d rather hit my head against a wall then home school again…
So instead of being a rebel in the obvious manner (Protesting, jumping up and down and all round making a scene) I rebelled in my way. What I wore that day said  “F*** You”. the best part was, no one knew I was saying that (or mentally singing Lily Allen's song, which is the hyper link).
I wore my favourite jeans, and a new top that I got a few weeks ago with a half jumper on top, feather earrings, glittering shoes and my bag that Matt got for. me from Knysna.








By The Way: Sorry for the song, I just thought it was fitting

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