Saturday, August 27, 2011

I’m going into business

Yesterday i made and sold my second order of hats!!! Yay!
I had to make 2 hats for 2 children (aged 4 and 6) who needed them for a hat day at school on Spring day. the mother of the children contaced a friend of my moms who had worn one of my hats to a kitchen tea. Jasmina (the mother) asked Nola (my moms friend) about the hats and Nola contacted my mother who told me and loong story short, I contacted Jasmina and made her kids the hats.

The first hat was for a little boy, aged 6 who likes spider man and bat man as well as cars so taking that into consideration I made the hat.





The second hat was for a four year old girl who likes Tinkerbelle, Barbie, Pink and purple, so with that in mind here’s the hat





Nola was going to give them over to Jasmina this week end but can’t wait to show them to her that she’s going to see her today to hand them over! Nola called to thank me for doing the hats and said she can see me going far in the fashion industry!

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