It all started as a school project-to make an item of fashion out of recyced material. So I went all out and made the 96 dress. So named after the pecentage I got on the project-96%

The accsesories that go with this outfit are... the earrings are made from clothing tags. The bracletts are from can tops, the necklace a ribbon choicker with a decorated beer bottle top pendant and the last braclett is a small C.D on ribbon.

The bodice of the dress is made from woven cans (I got uncountable amounts of cuts from that, and so did my model Adelaide) and the skirt of the dress is made of crisp packets (it took forever to collect those along with cearfully opening the packets and eating LOADS of chips).
Thanks to:
My model: Adelaide
The designer: Me
The photographer: Me (from my cell phone).
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